Dr. Arfa Sayeda Zehra
Distinguished Professor
Department: History & Pakistan Studies
Extension Number: 655
Office Number: E-341
Ph. D History,
University of Hawaii, USA 1983
M.A Asian Studies,
University of Hawaii, USA 1983
M.A Urdu,
Government College Lahore 1964
B.A Hons.,
Lahore College for Women, Lahore 1963
Dr. Arfa Sayeda Zehra is a Distinguished Professor of History and Urduat the Forman Christian College. She has a Doctorate in History and aMasters in South Asian Studies from the University of Hawaii, USA. Sheis a globally renowned academic and intellectual, acknowledged forpromoting Urdu language and literature, intellectual history and the rightsof women, and is also known for her passion for literary criticism, culturalanalysis, and historical review. She has a teaching career spanning 55years in leading institutions of the country and has served on variousboards and committees in Pakistan. She is a prolific researcher withnumerous research and publications in education, human rights, andpolicy challenges. She has also served as Chairperson, NationalCommission on the Status of Women, Government of Pakistan,Islamabad. She holds national and international awards and has beeninvited to speak at prestigious institutions nationally and internationally asa keynote speaker. She was honored to receive a Distinguished AlumniAward from East West Center, Hawaii, USA and an International Awardin Emirates for her contribution towards national literature, language, andculture of Pakistan. She is a recipient of the Fatima Jinnah Award andInternational Sophist Award. Presently, she has the honor of holding theUNESCO Chair, as well as being a Fellow in the National College of Arts.
Most recent publication is, ‘Society and Culture of Pakistan’, in PakistanStudies: A Book of Readings, ed., Sikandar Hayat (Lahore: Sang-e-MeelPublications, 2023)
Research interests:
Historical Analysis and Critique, Human Rights, Gender Literature and Social issues
Research papers presented and published nationally and internationally