About FCCU

FCCU was founded in 1864 with a vision to impart quality education to the people of this region and to contribute to their academic, economic and social development. From the premises of a small college, FCCU has grown into an academically robust university that offers a wide range of opportunities to its students to grow and reach their full potential.  FCCU welcomes students from all backgrounds and all regions of Pakistan and abroad to a University where they live, grow and learn, meet some of the greatest thinkers in their chosen disciplines and make lifelong friendships- a place they can truly call home.


Our institutional goals are to create:
Empowered learners
 with strong written, oral and quantitative skills that they can use to evaluate a constant flood of information. The idea is to create in them the ability to think independently and critically, solve problems and continue a lifetime of self-directed learning.
Informed learners who understand global and cross-cultural relationships, value the philosophy and history underlying the nation of Pakistan, and are fluent in both their native language and English.
Responsible learners who understand the ethical consequences of actions and are well-groomed to be active citizens who accept their public duty and participate in the decision-making process of democracy.


The mission of Forman Christian College (A Chartered University) is to impart, create and disseminate knowledge and to develop informed, ethical and responsible citizens who are prepared and committed to learn, lead and serve; persons who exemplify the FCCU motto, “By love serve one another”.


Forman’s vision is to be recognized as one of the best liberal arts institutions of higher learning in Pakistan and across South Asia.