International Education Office is pleased to inform you that ITS launched the CommTECH Online Program for Spring Edition 2022. All the programs will be conducted online.
Some interesting courses for this edition are as follows:
17 – 28 January 2022 – Starts at 09.00 AM (GMT +7, Surabaya Zone Time).
Sub Course A:  Internet of Things for Smart City Applications during the Pandemic.
Sub Course B: Cognitive Ergonomics: Fundamentals & Applications.
7 – 18 February 2022 – Starts at 03.00 PM (GMT +7, Surabaya Zone Time).
Sub Course C: Zero Waste Stores: A Way to Combat Plastics.
Sub Course D: Exploring Indonesia Creative Design & Culture.
This program is open for active students from any level and background. This program is also eligible for any staff, Faculty Staff, and Prof. For students, you may earn credit transfer up to 3 credits for each sub-course. The fee of this program is USD 200 (USD 175 for partner universities) per person.
You may refer to the website for further information:

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