Why should you participate in Delightful Istanbul Summer School?

  • Immerse yourself in new cultures
  • Meet and make new friends from all over the World
  • Improve your knowledge and abilities in subjects like brand management, neuroscience, genetics and medical biotechnology, digital marketing, exploration of Turkish art, critical issues in international politics and multi-criteria decision making.

Discount offer: 50% of the program fee will be waived off. Click on the link below to see the program fee. Other expenses including airfare, visa, health insurance, food, and personal expenses will be student responsibility. 

Fees: https://delightful.istanbul/fees/ 

Courses: https://delightful.istanbul/courses/

Social Activity Program: https://delightful.istanbul/social-activity-program/

Who can apply:
  • Only sophomores & Juniors 
  • CGPA should be 3.5 or above.

Classes July 25 – August 5, 2022

How to Apply & Calendar: Email the following at ieo@fccollege.edu.pk 

  • Unofficial transcript
  • Letter of intent (300-500 words only)

Deadline: May 28th till 5 pm. 

Website: https://delightful.istanbul/

Important: The credit hours will get a transfer on top of 130 credit hours to your degree. Students can either register for summer at FCCU or IAU.

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