Bachelor of Studies (BS) Urdu

This program is designed to empower students to become accomplished, active readers who appreciate complexity, and who can articulate their own interpretations with an awareness and curiosity for other perspectives. It enables students to write effectively for a variety of professional and social settings, practice writing as a process of motivated inquiry, engaging other writers’ ideas as they explore and develop their own, and develop an awareness of and confidence in the voice as a writer; express ideas as informed opinions that are in dialogue with a larger community of interpreters, and understand how an approach compares to the variety of critical and theoretical approaches.

  • Reading: become accomplished, active readers who appreciate ambiguity and complexity, and who can articulate their own interpretations with an awareness and curiosity for other perspectives.
  • Writing skills and process: write effectively for a variety of professional and social settings, practice writing as a process of motivated inquiry, engaging other writers’ ideas as they explore and develop their own, and develop an awareness of and confidence in the voice as a writer.
  • Oral communication skills: demonstrate the skills needed to participate in a conversation that builds knowledge collaboratively, listening carefully and respectfully to others’ viewpoints, articulating ideas and questions clearly, situating ideas in relation to other voices and ideas, and preparing, organizing and delivering an engaging oral presentation.
  • Critical Approaches: express ideas as informed opinions that are in dialogue with a larger community of interpreters, and understand how an approach compares to the variety of critical and theoretical approaches.
  • Research Skills: identify topics and formulate questions for productive inquiry, identify appropriate methods and sources for research and evaluate critically the sources found, and use their chosen sources effectively in writing, citing all sources appropriately.
  • Culture and History: gain a knowledge of the major traditions of literatures written in Urdu, an appreciation for the diversity of literary and social voices within and sometimes marginalized by those traditions, develop an ability to read texts in relation to historical and cultural contexts in order to gain a richer understanding of both text and context, and become more aware of self as situated historically and culturally.

Eligibility criteria For Bachelor of Studies (BS):

  • Students who have passed their Intermediate
  • A- Level students who have cleared at least 3 principal A-Level exams (not AS Level) Equivalence attested from the IBCC Needed .
  • A- Level students who have given their A levels exams in October, November and are awaiting results are eligible to apply, they need to attach a copy of the statement of entry.
  • Students who have done their American High School. Equivalence needed attested from the IBCC .
  • Students who have  done their Intermediate from the Technical Board