Dear Students,

We are glad to invite you to apply for the “Athens Democracy Forum 2022”
The theme for 2022, “A Decade of Democracy: What Now”, explores setbacks democracies have faced after what looked like good news from many corners of the world a decade ago. Forum sessions addressing this will include A Decade of Democracy in China and Russia, Poland, Tunisia, and the United States; Rethinking Work: Life in the Metaverse; Rethinking Media: Truth Sayers and Nay Sayers; Rethinking the Planet: Climate Change and Gender Inequalities; Rethinking, Capitalism: Finance’s Big Bang. In addition, panels, tutorials, and workshops will emphasize the “Do” part of the Think-Talk-Do impact chain.
Deadline to Apply: April 20th, 2022
Program Dates: 28-30 September 2022
Send your:
  1. Filled Attached Form, 
  2. Resume, 
  3. Information on your co-curricular activities /portfolio/certificates
Subject-line of you application email should be: Application for Athens Democracy Forum 2022.
Please Note: No other subject-line will be catered to and we will not accept your application


Minimum 3 CGPA
Good English Proficiency 
The Forum will provide the registration fee. The American College of Greece will provide some meals, local transportation, and manage program activities. Students will be awarded an Endeavor Fellowship to cover lodging, airfare from an airport near their home campus to Athens, a visa application (if needed), and a small meal stipend. Delegates will be responsible for incidentals while in Athens and during travel to and from Athens.
Scope of Student Involvement at the Forum:
Students are full delegates to the Forum and are invited to attend all sessions (in-person or virtually, as local conditions dictate). Student delegates are expected to make meaningful contributions, particularly in providing a youth perspective from their part of the world. Details of involvement are being worked out but will include the following.
Forum Topic Panel Questions

There will be a panel for each of the Forum topics. Alliance students will be invited to ask the first question for a subset of the panels.
Forum Topic Panels Videos:
One-minute videos created by students that respond to a prompt related to one of the sessions will be shown prior to the session.
Viewpoint Essay (optional): 
Students may elect to write – individually or in a small group – an opinion piece (~800 words) on their views and reactions to topics discussed during the Forum.
Select pieces will be published in the Kathimerini English Edition.The reports and videos created for previous years can be found on the Forum Reports page.
Requirements of Participation:
Students attending the Forum are required to participate in the following:
Summer Work: Students must commit to doing preparatory work over the summer and in Athens prior to the Forum. This will include working in small groups (via email and videoconference) to discuss a few readings and the Forum topics, producing short videos, and working on the post-
Forum action plan.
Youth Video Series:
Prior to the Forum, each student must create a one-minute video in response to a prompt related to a Forum topic. Selected videos will be shown at the Forum.
Students will be a co-author of at least one report on events at the Forum.
Individual Reflection:
Students are required to write a reflective essay on their experience.
Post-Forum Actions:
By the end of the Forum, each student will create an action plan to take back to their campus. Actions can include sharing their experience: with peers through classroom
discussion, public talks, radio interviews, or articles in the campus newspaper; via participation in campus clubs and organizations; through engagement around local/national elections, campus or community dialogues, or other programs of the student’s design and implementation.
you will be provided with the resources to help you create your plan, and time will be allocated to work on the plan while we are in Athens with input from the ADF mentors. In Spring 2023, students will be asked to report on the status of their action plan.

Expectations for Preparation to Participate:
Students should take their summer obligations, fall course load, and the number of days they will miss class (including travel days) into account in considering whether to apply. Students are expected to be a full participant in all preparatory work (summer and Athens), the Forum, and post-Forum reporting and action steps.
Covid Caveat: Our plan to bring students to Athens and travel to the Forum site is contingent on the ability to do so safely. This plan could be changed by Covid restrictions, possibly on very short notice. We will monitor the situation into the fall, adjusting as needed. Everyone traveling to Athens must meet testing and vaccination requirements set by Greece, the airlines, the student’s home country/campus, and the American College of Greece.

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