Faculty Advising Office organized Annual Advising Fair on March 16, 17, 2022 in the football ground. All Academic Departments including “Career Services” and International Education Offices placed their stalls in order to facilitate and guide the visiting students. Seniors, Juniors, Freshmen, and Sophomores attended the event on both days to get information on their respective majors, career paths and to get their degrees audited by AAC staff. New desks by UNIV100 Advisors/Advisees and Language Center were also set this year

The Rector, Vice-Rector, Deans, and Heads of Academic Departments also visited the Advising Fair, encouraged the Faculty advisors, and gave their valuable feedback. It was a good opportunity for faculty and students to interact with each other and discuss meaningful academics plans as well as future plans that would help them to progress and demonstrate the core values of FCCU and make its mission successful by becoming the responsible citizens of Pakistan and the broader world.

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