FCCU Daycare Center

FCCU also offers a Daycare Center facility, funded by the Women Development Program Fund, for children of employees from 3 months to 3 years of age. The Center provides caring and well-trained staff and hours of fun and educational activities in a child-oriented environment. The staff implement daily activities planned in the areas of:

  • Social development
  • Language and literacy
  • Creative representation
  • Music
  • Motor skills
  • Alphabet and numbers

Each room is equipped with age appropriate materials that stimulate the interest of the children and natural desire to discover. Parents are welcome and encouraged to visit whenever possible to take the opportunity to see  the established policies in action and reassure themselves that their child is happy in a safe and caring environment. The FCCU Daycare Center meets the guidelines given by the WDP fund as well as US standards for staff-child ratios, health requirements and safety standards.

Open Monday to Friday from 7:30 am to 05:00 pm.

Staff & Parents Handbook:
Daycare Enrollment Form:
Daycare Medication Administration Form:
Daycare Fever-Reducing Medication Authorization Form:
Daycare Child Health Report