Dear University Students,
As most of you know, Lahore will soon play host to the ODI matches between Australia and Pakistan. While this is an honor for the city, it is a horror for our operations. For one week we will need to follow a similar pattern as we experienced in the previous matches that marred our academic operations last month. March 21-25 we will shift all courses online. As before, we are keeping the campus open as much as possible given the impending road closures.
  • – All undergraduate and postgraduate classes, including class labs
Open (as long as participants are able to reach campus)
  • – Hostels
  • – Research labs (must still be supervised per usual guidelines)
  • – Library and Information Commons (normal hours)
  • – Faculty offices (but faculty are allowed to keep office hours from home if travel to campus is difficult)
  • – Administrative offices (but Zoom meetings are encouraged)
  • – Lucas Café
Given the tech savvy that we have developed over the past two years, hopefully the disruption of four days (remember that the 23rd is a holiday) will not significantly hinder student learning. Take care and Pakistan zindabad!
Douglas E. Trimble, Ph.D.
Vice Rector for Academic Affairs and Professor of Psychology

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