The 4th International Conference on Chemical and Pharmaceutical Sciences: Innovation to Commercialization’ from January 22-24. 2025 was organized by the Department of Chemistry. The conference was envisaged to highlight the problems presently faced by everyone in everyday life which relate to healthcare, energy, food safety and security, global warming and its effects and the environment. The title of the international conference rightly emphasized the need to address the problems associated with them for sustainable living. An important aspect of the conference was to highlight the role of industry as a partner in the effort to find solutions of the problems. The conference also brought forth national effort in research in the important areas and provided a platform for researchers to discuss and exchange views. Foreign invited speakers from the USA, Mexico, Turkiye, China, Malaysia and Morocco presented an in-depth analysis of the work (research) that is in progress in their keynote lectures. Talks of the national invited speakers from the QAU, COMSATS, LUMS, HEJ, UET and FCCU revealed the potential that exists in research in the country which can further be developed with government support. Two workshops were a part of this conference. First one was conducted by American Chemical Society Pakistan Chapter. The topics covered were publishing research and entrepreneurship. Whereas the second one was conducted at the end of the conference on January 25, 2025 by Dr. J. Antonio Torres on “Probabilistic Design for Food Products: Optimizing Process, Package, and Storage Conditions and Food Safety” which was largely attended by the students.
The conference has been a great success in terms of arrangements and academic significance of the event. Participants admired the scenic beauty of the campus and appreciated the academic atmosphere of the FCCU. It provided rich experience for our students who enthusiastically participated in every aspect of the conference. A sightseeing trip of the city of Lahore’s historical sites and gala dinner were the other hallmarks of the conference.