Dr. Ashar Johnson Khokhar
Associate Professor and Chairperson of Education Department
- Group:Education Department
Dr. Ashar Johnson Khokhar
Associate Professor and Chairperson of Education Department
Department of Education
Extension Number: 861
Office Number: HSFB-O20
Brief Profile
Dr Ashar Johnson Khokhar is a teacher educator and teacher trainer, and he works with primary, elementary, and secondary school pupils, teachers and student-teachers supporting them in understanding curriculum and textbooks of language, social studies, history, Islamic education and ethics. His areas of research are citizenship, national identity, citizenship education, peace education, social justice, gender studies, inclusive society, curriculum policy, qualitative research, and textbook analysis. He advocates and works towards making Pakistan an inclusive, multi-religious, multicultural, and tolerant society through his academic research and advocacy works.
⦁ PhD in Education (Curriculum & Instruction), University of Management and Technology, Lahore, Pakistan.
⦁ M.A. (Education), University of Leeds, Leeds, UK.
⦁ Master of Education (M.Ed.), Allama Iqbal Open University, Islamabad, Pakistan.
Research & Publications
⦁ Khokhar. A. J. (2023). Islamic Education and Ethics textbooks for character formation: A case study from Pakistan. Journal of Academic Research for Humanities, 3(3), 218–229A. Journal of Academic Research for Humanities, 3(3) July-September 2023
⦁ Rachman, A., & Khokhar, A. (2023). J. Role of Indonesian Council of Ulama in Halāl certification and product guarantee. Journal of Islamic Thought and Civilization, 13(1), 203−214. Doi: 10.32350/jitc.131.14.
⦁ Khokhar, A. J. (2022). An imaginary world: perceptions of undergraduate female students of female characters in Chinese and Turkish TV dramas. Pakistan Journal of Women’s Studies: Alam-e-Niswan, 29(2), 21-38. Doi: 10.46521/pjws.029.02.0130.
⦁ Khokhar, A. J. & Muhammad, Y. (2022). An imagined space with an imagined time: Analysis of English language textbooks used in state schools in Pakistan. Citizenship Teaching and Learning Journal, 17(2), 227-247, Doi: 10.1386/ctl_00092_1.
⦁ Khokhar, A. J. (2022). Teaching During COVID-19 Pandemic: Students’ Experiences, Perceptions and Lessons for Higher Education Institutes. International Journal of Educational Sciences (IJES), 38(1-3), 24-33. Doi: 10.31901/24566322.2022/38.1-3.1233.
⦁ Khokhar, A. J. (2021). Islamic values in language textbooks published by the state textbook authorities in Pakistan. University of Chitral Journal of Religious Studies, 4(2), 120-141. Doi:10.33195/journal.v4i02.339.
⦁ Khokhar, A. J. (2021). “Us” and “Them”: Analysis of history textbooks studied in Pakistani schools. Revista de Educación, 392(2), 205-228. Doi: 10.4438/1988-592X-RE-2021-392-484.
⦁ Khokhar, A. J. (2021). “Nosotros” y “ellos”: análisis de los libros de texto de historia estudiados en las escuelas de Pakistán. Revista de Educación, 392(2), 191-212. Doi: 10.4438/1988-592XRE-2021-392-484..
⦁ Khokhar, A. J., & Muhammad, Y. (2020). Islamic habitus in English language textbooks produced by boards in Pakistan. Journal of Islamic Thought and Civilization, 10(1), 288-310. Doi: 10.32350/jitc.101.16.
⦁ Khokhar, A. J. (2020). Portrayal of invaders and conquerors of Indian Subcontinent: Analysis of history textbooks studied in Pakistani schools. Journal of International and Comparative Education (JICE) 9(2), 103-118. Doi: 10.14425/jice.2020.9.2.0612.
⦁ Khokhar, A. J. (2020). Women representation in textbooks in Pakistan: Impact on career and study choices of female students enrolled in the postgraduate programmes. Pakistan Journal of Women’s Studies: Alam-e-Niswan, 27(2), 35-50. Doi: 10.46521/pjws.027.02.0077.
⦁ Khokhar, A. J. (2018). Women academic leaders in higher education in Pakistan: Perspectives of female students enrolled in higher education degrees. Pakistan Journal of Women’s Studies: Alam-e-Niswan, 25(2), 9-76.
⦁ Gulab, F., & Khokhar, A. J. (2018). Content analysis of language textbooks (English, Urdu and Sindhi) for inclusivity. Journal of Education and Social Sciences, 6(1). 55-70. Doi: 10.20547/jess0611806104.
⦁ Khokhar, A. J. Gulab, F., & Javaid, S. (2017). Information communication technology integration: trained secondary school teachers’ dilemma. Journal of Research in Social Sciences (JRSS), 5(1). 94-102.
Book Chapter
⦁ Khokhar, A. J. (2021). Teaching toward a culture of peace: Analysis of Islamiat and Ethics textbooks. In M S Shoaib (Ed.), Radicalization in Pakistan: A Critical Perspective (35-60). New York: Routledge. November 2020).
Conference Publications
⦁ Khokhar, Ashar Johnson. (2021, July 5-9). Teaching toward a culture of peace: Analysis of Islamic education and Ethics textbook. In Proceedings of the REA Annual Meeting 2021 Proceedings (147-165). Online: Chicago, IL: The Religious Education Association (REA).
⦁ Khokhar, A. J. (2017, June 26-29). National identity clarity or confusion: English and Urdu textbooks. In Proceedings of the Canada International Conference on Education, CICE-2017 (200-205). Mississauga, Canada: The Canada International Conference on Education (CICE).
⦁ Khokhar, A. J. (2016, Nov 14-16). Why do teachers educators not practice what they believe: ICT integration gaps. In Proceedings of the 9th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation, 2016 (6801-6810) Seville, Spain: The International Academy of Technology, Education and Development (IATED). DOI: 10.21125/iceri.2016. [Web of Science Indexed Conference].
⦁ Khokhar, A. J. (2016, April 28-May). Students’ and teacher s’ perceptions of ICT use in classroom: Pakistani classrooms. In Proceedings of The Asian Conference on Technology in the Classroom (ACTC2016), 2016 (200-205). Kobe, Japan: The International Academic Forum (IAFOR).
⦁ Khokhar, A. J. (2016, April 28-May). Students’ and teacher s’ perceptions of ICT use in classroom: Pakistani classrooms. In Proceedings of The Asian Conference on Technology in the Classroom (ACTC2016), 2016 (200-205). Kobe, Japan: The International Academic Forum (IAFOR).