Dr. Derk Bakker
Associate Professor/Chairperson
- Group:Environmental Sciences Department
Dr. Derk Bakker
Associate Professor/Chairperson
Department of Environmental Sciences
Extension Number: 515
Office Number: S-338
Brief profile:
Since he joined the FCCU Faculty in 2016, Dr. Derk Bakker has been associate professor in the Department of Environmental Sciences and Head of the Department since 2019. He has 30 years experience in agricultural and engineering research in the Netherlands and Australia. His research interests at the moment are focused on air pollution, both monitoring and assessing the role of vegetation, microbial fuel cells, biomethane generation from organic waste and carbon sequestration. He publishes regularly in international journals.
- PhD in Geotechnical Engineering, University of Queensland, Brisbane, Qld, Australia.
- BSc Soil and Water Management, College for Forestry and Soil and Water Management, Velp, the Netherland.
Research and Publications:
- Russo, D. and D. Bakker. 1987. Crop-Water Productions for Sweet Corn and Cotton Irrigated with Saline Waters. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. Journal. 51: 1554 – 1562
- D. M. and J. J. B. Bronswijk. 1993. Heterogeneous Oxygen Concentrations in a Structured Clay Soil. Soil Science 155(5): 309 – 315
- Harris, H. and D. M. Bakker. 1994. A Servo Controlled Simple Shear Box. Soil and Tillage Research, 31, pp. 23 – 35
- Harris, H. and D. M. Bakker. 1994. A Soil Stress Transducer for Measuring In-situ Soil Stresses. Soil and Tillage Research, 29, pp. 35 – 48
- Bakker, D. M. and R. Davis, 1995. Soil Deformation in a Vertisol under Controlled Field Traffic. Australian Journal for Soil Research, 33, pp. 817 – 832
- Bakker, D. M., H. Harris and K. Y. Wong. 1995. Measurement of Stress Paths under Agricultural Vehicles and their Interpretation in Critical State Space. Journal of Agricultural Engineering Research, 61, no 4, pp. 247 – 260
- Bakker, D. M. and T. Barker. 1998. Soil structure assessment and 3-D visualisation of a Vertosol under controlled traffic. Australian Journal for Soil Research, 36, pp. 603-20
- Bakker, D. M, G. Hamilton, D. Houlbrooke and C. Spann. 2005. The effect of raised beds on soil structure, waterlogging and productivity on duplex soils in Western Australia. Australian Journal of Soil Research. 43: 575-585
- Bakker, D. M, G. Plunkett and J. Sherrard. 2006. Application efficiencies and furrow irrigation functions of the irrigations in sugar cane in the Ord River Irrigation Area of North Western Australia and the scope for improvement. Agricultural Water Management 83 162-172
- Bakker, D. M, G. Hamilton, D. Houlbrooke, C. Spann and A. Van Burgel. 2007. Productivity of crops grown on raised beds on duplex soils prone to waterlogging in Western Australia. Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture. 47 (10) 1368-1376:
- Bakker, D.M., G.J. Hamilton, R. Hetherington, C. Spann. 2010. Productivity of waterlogged and salt-affected land in a Mediterranean climate. Field Crops Research 117: 24–37
- Bakker, D.M., G.J. Hamilton, R. Hetherington, C. Spann. 2010. Salinity dynamics and the potential for improvement of waterlogged and saline land in a Mediterranean climate using permanent raised beds. Soil & Tillage Research 110: 8–24
- Roper, M. M., S. L. Davies, P. S. Blackwell, D. J. M. Hall, D. M. Bakker, R. Jongepier, and P. R. Ward. 2015 Management options for water-repellent soils in Australian dryland agriculture. Australian Journal of Soil Research. Vol. 53: 786-806
- Bakker, D.M, G. Poulish and S. Davies. 2019. Water repellence and productivity of lateritic gravelly podosols in South West Australia. Geoderma Regional.
- Hamilton, GJ, D. Bakker, G. Akbar, I. Hassan, S. Raine. 2019 Deep blade loosening increases root growth, organic carbon, aeration, drainage, lateral infiltration and productivity. Geoderma 345: 72-92.
- Bakker, DB, H Javed, Z Ashfaq. 2022. Implementation and modelling of turf grass management options to improve soil carbon sequestration in a semi‐arid environment. Environmental Sustainability
- Fatima, A, D Bakker. 2024. Assessment of Brick Kilns’ Contribution to the Air Pollution of Lahore Using Air Quality Dispersion Modelling. Final review. Indoor and Built Environment.
Small selection of Proceedings/Poster Papers:
- Bakker, D, G. Poulish. 2015. The phytotoxicity of pre-emergence herbicides on mould boarded soils. Perth Industry Crop Updates 2015, Perth, WA.
- Bakker, D., G. Poulish. 2012. Soil management of non-wetting soil in the Stirling to Coast area. Resource management technical report, Perth, WA.
- Bakker, D. 2013. Where to sow. Society of Precision Agriculture Australia Journal (2), 2013.
- Bakker, D, S. Davies. 2013. Non-wetting soils. Stirlings to Coast Crop Updates 2013
- D Bakker, D, B Bowden, G. Poulish, S Davies, C Scanlan, 2014. Managing non-wetting and crop nutrition of forest gravels. Perth Industry Crop Updates, 2014, Perth, WA.
- Bakker, D., G. Poulish. 2014. A study into the efficacy pf wetting agents in the field and the laboratory. Resource management technical report, Perth, WA
- Bakker,D. G. Poulish. 2014. Soil Management to Overcome Non-Wetting and Phosphorus Retention of Forest Gravels of the High Rainfall Area. A report on the Frankland Trials. DAFWA Resource management technical report, Perth, WA.
- Bakker, D. 2014. Management Options of non-wetting soils in the southern coastal region of the Esperance Zone. GRDC Final report, RCSG Small Agribusiness Proposal Esperance Zone – Project 3 of 4 Non-wetting management options.
- Bakker, D, G. Poulish. 2014. Performance of wetting agents in 2012 and 2013 in the Southern Agricultural Region. DAFWA Resource management technical report, Perth, WA.
- Bakker, D, G. Poulish. 2015. Soil Management to Overcome Non-Wetting of Forest Gravels of the High Rainfall area A report on the Cordering Trials. DAFWA Resource management technical report. Perth, WA.
- Bakker, D, G. Poulish. 2015. The phytotoxicity of pre-emergence herbicides on mould boarded soils. Perth Industry Crop Updates 2015, Perth, WA.
- Bakker D, S. Shahid. 2019. Geographical distribution and analyses of medium-term temperature trends in Pakistan. Third International Conference of the Department of Environmental Science and Policy, February 2019, Lahore School of Economics, Lahore.
- Bakker D, S Rao and S Aslam. 2019. Biochar. An opportunity for bioremediation. International Conference on Surface Science: Innovations and Applications for Geoenvironmental Challenges, 25-26 April, 2019, University of Agriculture Faisalabad, Pakistan.
Final Reports:
- Final Report to the Grains Research and Development Corporation (GRDC) of “Soil & Surface Water Management for Profitable Crops and Pastures on Waterlogged and Saline Land” (DAW717).
- Final Report to the Grains Research and Development Corporation (GRDC) of “Taking Precision Agriculture (PA) to the paddock-increasing the adoption of PA in the Great Southern of WA” (DAW00194).
- Bakker, D. 2014. Management Options of non-wetting soils in the southern coastal region of the Esperance Zone. GRDC Final report, RCSG Small Agribusiness Proposal Esperance Zone – Project 3 of 4 Non-wetting management options
- Hamilton, G., D. Bakker, Z. Hussain. 2002. Permanent raised beds to improve productivity and control salinity in Pakistan. Final report ACIAR Project LWR 2/1998/131 (Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research)
Patent: U.S. Pat. No. 6,508,049, issued Jan. 21, 2003, for MASS FLOW RATE SENSOR FOR SUGAR CANE HARVESTER, by Graeme Justin Cox, David Richard Vivian Cox, Simon Rixson Zillman, Randolf Arthur Pax, Derk Machiel Bakker, Harry David Harris, included by reference herein.