Dr. Keneth Pervaiz
Assistant Professor
- Group:Religious Studies Department
Dr. Keneth Pervaiz
Assistant Professor
Department of Religious Studies
Extension Number: 855
Office Number: Faculty Block (F–112)
Brief Profile:
Dr. Keneth Pervaiz is an Assistant Professor of New Testament Studies in the Religious Studies Department at the Forman Christian College (A Chartered University). He holds a Ph.D. in New Testament from The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary (USA). He has a vast teaching experience of 14 years. He teaches biblical and Greek-language courses both at Undergrad and M. Phil levels. His vocational goals include teaching, academic research and writing. His loves to teach and is passionate about equipping University students with deeper theological content and critical thinking, so that they may become competent in their subject area and its application in the context of Pakistan.
- PhD — New Testament Studies from Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, USA.
- Th.M — Master’s in Biblical Exegesis & Hermeneutics from Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, USA.
- M.Th — Master of Theology from Queen’s University, Northern Ireland, UK.
- BS (Hons) — Mathematics from Forman Christian College (A Chartered University), Pakistan.BS Islamic Studies (Spec: World Religions), International Islamic University Islamabad.
Research and Publications:
- Book Review: Accad, Martin. Sacred Misinterpretation: Reaching Across the Christian-Muslim
- Divide. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2019, 396pp (https://sbts-wordpress-uploads.s3.amazonaws.com/jenkins/uploads/2019/10/Peraiz-Accad-Book-Review-Final.pdf)
- Article: “Dichotomy Between Faith and Scholarship: A Reflection from Pakistan, (AATF (vol. 8 no.1), ISSN 2374-8133) Articles published on Zondervan Exegetical Preaching Blog
- Contributed to the ‘South Asian Bible Study’ by writing the study notes on the Letter to the Hebrews—a project supervised by the Lausanne & Open-Doors. Article: Pervaiz, Keneth. “Significance of Character Formation in Christian Ministry.” TEF 1:2 published by Theological Education Forum in collaboration with Open Theological Seminary,2023.
- I presented a research paper on the platform of “International Network for Christian Higher Education (INCHE)” in collaboration with Handong University in South Korea, titled as “The Identity Crisis of Pakistani Christians and the Role of Theological Education.”