Dr.Wesley Davey
Assistant Professor
Department of Religious Studies
Extension Number: 834
Office Number: F-113
Brief Profile:
Wesley Davey is an assistant professor in the Religious Studies Department at Forman Christian College. He joined the FCCU community in January 2019 where his teaching responsibilities primarily include Koine Greek grammar, biblical exegesis, and biblical theology. His research interests include Pauline theology, the Gospels, and hermeneutics.
- Doctor of Philosophy in Biblical Studies/New Testament, Southeastern Seminary
- Master of Divinity, Virginia Beach Theological Seminary
- Bachelor of Arts, Northland International University
- Suffering as Participation with Christ in the Pauline Corpus
- “Playing Christ: Participation and Suffering in the Letters of Paul”
- Book reviews in Journal of Theological Studies, Bulletin of Biblical Research, and Themelios